May 28th, 2009 / 14 Comments

Okay so someone has to be sensible today and post a couple of photos of Rob fully clothed.  Seriously I think we need to desensitise otherwise how are we going to cope.  Plus as you can see in the first photo – Rob’s a little miffed that for some reason we only get swamped with comments when we post photos of him half dressed.  So Rob just to make you happy – the first 3 photos are of you with your shirt ON!  Thanks to ROBsessed and  But seriously Rob – did you really think I could be the sensible one?  Have a look at photos behind cut – you will see that Rob and I are having a little joke with this post – such a tease, such a tease.

Maria – you’re pathetic – what was I thinking – like it’s even possible for you to be sensible.
(Hey at least Im not selling our story to STAR)

  • Helen
    Posted on May 28, 2009

    Love that last one especially!!

    Have been thinking about this “very edward” body since looking through these photos this afternoon. Do you think they have used make up to enhance his chest lines? or do you think he has become Mr Definition. I mean it looks good and all, but I had no objection to his pre’completely buff body…makes him look a little too perfect…but I guess thats the character he is portraying…Is it November yet????

  • Athena
    Posted on May 28, 2009

    Maria, welcome to the Pathetics Anonymous Club…

    After these pictures, I am positively frightened of ever meeting Rob, one day. If I looked upon his face I’d just faint straight away, so I think I’d end up having a conversation with his mid-riff, which is even worse, now that I know what it looks like. Then he’d say: “My eyes are up here…” And I would die of humiliation.

    His devastated expression is just heart-rendingly perfect. I know because it’s been on my face at least a couple of times in my life, unfortunately. The dead face. Yep. I know it well.

    Thanks for the final smile :)! That’s definitely one of my favourites today :D!

  • Athena
    Posted on May 28, 2009

    I was wondering the same, Helen.

    I think the most of Rob’s muscles is genuine (his hips and back tell the tale, I reckon), but my guess is that some make-up was applied because of the strong lighting, the way they did with his face. His six-pack has to stand out and I don’t think that without make-up it would show on film.

    Anyway, not to worry: if it’s like the last time, Rob will have that buff body only “for two days”, then he’ll be back to his usual “nerdy” physique ;)!

  • vertigo
    Posted on May 28, 2009

    *cracks up* at Athena.

    My Eddie detector usually comes in the form of his voice on the whispering winds, but today they were screaming – “get online, get online”.

    This is too good to be true guys!

  • Maria
    Posted on May 28, 2009

    Nothing wrong with the preEddie physique. There has been quite a bit of speculation today about whether the photos have been airbrushed. But hey – there’s shirtless Rob in Remember Me and a lot in Unbound Captives – so it wouldn’t surprise me if he’s been busy with a personal trainer. I agree Athena the back – unless that’s airbrushed as well – tends to make me think the trainer has been busy. Ooh did I say that out loud about Remember and Unbound – oops.

  • Maria
    Posted on May 28, 2009

    Ah Vertigo – have been wondering where you were today. Thought the radar might be on the blink!

  • calilady
    Posted on May 28, 2009

    hey,very nice pics indeed:)
    have anyone read his interview in look magazine?the way he talks about hisself is so sad, it actually made me cry,he is so humble, this is my first time been a fan of anyone i guess all stars aren’t superficial, god..i think i love that man….wait i done believe in such things…. need to stop reading his interviews….

  • Helen
    Posted on May 29, 2009

    Yeah I think you are right girls, they have probably just enhanced his chest lines. But he looks amazing. I think I find it easier when he isn’t completely too good to be true!!
    And yes, I agree, yesterday could be deemed a public holiday…no work done here…just going through all the wonderful photos over and over again!

  • calilady
    Posted on May 29, 2009

    I hate having a crush on the unobtainable but,this man has it all.the brains the look,personality
    i guess there is a first time for everything, but i tell you,if he were mine,before he left to go makeout with some starlett
    he would have my mark on every inch of him and have me on his mind all day…damn….did i just say that again?…. i think those eyes of his melted my brain!!!

  • Athena
    Posted on May 30, 2009

    Word, CaliLady!

  • calilady
    Posted on June 03, 2009

    ok,first i am very sorry for the post i am about to make,but i am very disapointed in rob and kristen,what are they doing,rumors are flying all over the internet about their hook up
    why dont they just admit it or deny it for christ sake,what’s the big deal
    kristen is being called all kinds of names and so is rob,i wont even repeat it,they think their messing around behind michaels back
    say your a couple or not,we your fans will not stop watching your movies because of it,the way it is been described,my heart is really breaking for michael,they need to make a statement,eigther way,i dont care all those dang rumors,from those busy body,dont have a life people is getting on my last nerve alot of us fans is fed up,i look up rob to see what movies he is doing or whatever,instead i get a bunch if stories about rob’s hot hook ups, yeah the man is fine,but that is no excuse,character means alot more, we are about to say to hell with this twilight saga too much crap and real pain attached to it
    he needs to speak up,say,yea i am or no i am not…shoot..i would love the man even more and my respect for him would know no bounds.
    i am sick of hearing him been refered to as a manwhore,and that’s the nice part
    sorry again for my outburst, these fan girls and others is getting on my nerve

  • Maria
    Posted on June 03, 2009

    Hi Calilady – I understand your frustration but I seriously have more respect for Rob not addressing this “rumour” he has enough to deal with from the papz. I believe he needs to keep at least one aspect of his life away from the media and I truly believe he is entitled to some personal space. Personally I just don’t visit gossip sites or buy the mags – that’s why they do it to get the hits, sales and reactions – that’s what the media is all about (as you are undoubtedly aware). Can I recommend for your peace of mind that you just visit our site if you want to know about Rob’s career – believe me – you won’t find these stories here! And again, don’t worry about the outburst – believe me you can ask Cilla and Michelle – they are used to my soapbox moments that I spare you all from!

  • calilady
    Posted on June 03, 2009

    thanks so much maria,i will do that:)
    you’er very sweet
    i just hate to see him drag through the mud like that
    i will definately be here more than there,in fact wont be going back there,i actually gave them a piece of my mind and left….it was not pretty…lol
    thanks again

  • calilady
    Posted on June 03, 2009

    whatever happened to all the independent women of this world, you know the lady who does her own thing,stand on her own 2 feet
    and dont need a man to survive,it is nice to have a passionate love in your life, why does these girls think that with money and fame,you have no problems, what dilusional world do they live in?
    sorry i was off topic again,that is the last time,i promise.

    stay strong rob,you’er doing great!!

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