May 20th, 2009 / 2 Comments


Thanks to Seren Dipity, (who helped us translate a previous French article) – we now have a translation for Rob’s interview at Le Grand Journal.  Merci beaucoup pour votre assistance, Seren Dipity.

Journalist : You are from London, so I guess that you are a foot supporter and it is probably not Manchester ?
RP : No, it is not Manchester. I am Arsenal’s supporter.

J: I think it is important to say that every single time Robert Pattinson is going somewhere there are some riots. It happened yesterday at the airport and this morning on the Croisette. There is always tones of fans following you, and there are thousand of websites dedicated to you. How do you deal with all of that ? How do you deal with this hysteria ?
RP : Well, I just kind of ignore it. I try not to pay attention and let it out of my head. Otherwise you don’t know who you are anymore, what kind of human you are. so I just ignore it.

J : You are currently filming Twilight 2. Here is the new poster of Twilight 2, called New Moon. It is an exclusivity. You still are a vampire in Twilight 2, which will be done soon.
RP : Yes I have four more days in Italy and then it is done.

J : Can you give us one or two information about Twilight 2? Can you tell us one or two secrets about it?
RP : Well I mean if you have read the books, you should know already. I break up with my girlfriend and she finds somebody else.

J: Well, at least you come back a few times and talk to her in her head. You fan are quite scared because you are not as present in this book than in the first one. Can you reassure them ?
RP : Well I mean, I can reassure them because I will be present but not as much. I come back through hallucinations, kind of like a ghost.

J : Did you imagine this hysteria after the release of Twilight, when you first accepted Edward Cullen’s role ? Were you expecting this media landslide ?
PR: Well no, not at all, and it’s surprising me more and more. I can’t believe it, and I really don’t get used to it. It was a small movie when I signed, and it was such a surprise.

J : It seems that when you book an hostel, you are using a pseudo. Last time you were in Paris, your name was “Clive Handjob”.
RP : (laughs). In paris, yeah it was that.

J : Do you like doing Twilight or do you already feel like doing something else, trying something new, something different from this role ?
RP : It was planned from the beginning that it will be for 3 movies. So right now, I am focussing on them. After I will do something else, there is already some others movies.

J: There is this movie about Dali.
RP : Yeah. That came out last month in Paris, I think. It’s coming out before the end of Twilight, but it was very interesting to do.

J: I would like to ask for a favor : Can you kiss me please ?
RP : Ok . It is more embarassing for me than you.

J : Robert Pattinson, thank you. You are quite young and you are already surrounded by such an hysteria. But you seems to try to distance yourself from all of it, which is rare and worth respect.
RP : Thank you.

  • Athena
    Posted on May 20, 2009

    “It is more embarassing for me than you.”

    I can totally believe that… good grief…

    I’m glad he seems to have worked out some tricks to defend himself from the screaming and madness. I don’t know that I could do that. Thank goodness he does not lack in inner strength.

  • Maria
    Posted on May 20, 2009

    Oh the French asking a Londoner if he goes for Manchester United – just because an ex Manchester United player was one of their guests. LOL – that’s like asking someone from Paris if they follow a team from Marseilles.

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