May 17th, 2009 / 9 Comments

Well it’s my turn this week to share one of my favourite videos of Rob with you.  There are so so many to choose from, but I love the Cine Premiere interview from Mexico last October.  (I bet you thought I was going to post Rob in Rome, well then it won’t come as a shock that this interview was actually done the week before Rome – lol – Cilla and Michelle I can see you both shaking your heads already).

This video has all of my favourite Rob quirks – when he says “what” and gives the look, hand running through hair, eyebrowing rubbing, hydration – yes, he loves his Coke and water, and most importantly the honsesty that we find so endearing (I dont think we have seen Rob this animated of late and I know we all miss that).  It’s great when he talks about his role as Dali and how it changed the way he researches and looks at scripts and his comment that “it will probably never get released”  – well some of the distributors have been trying to fulfil that for you Rob.  Then there is the evidence right at the end that Rob really can’t lie – when he says “my life is not under my control’ and laughs, but then notice the look on his face and his comments when he realises how true that is – he is such an open book.  And sorry about the annoying woman translating, but it couldn’t be helped.

  • Michelle
    Posted on May 17, 2009

    Thanks for sharing this interview with us Maria. I hadn’t watched this one in a long while & I really enjoyed seeing it again. I love Rob’s honesty, such an endearing quality.

  • not true
    Posted on May 18, 2009

    You know this is kind of funny . I like your promotion but Robert was really in Mexico with me when all of this was going on. I’m writting a book on 45 days he did in Mexico with me. Check my twitter

    Now that I see all this not only I’m doing an ebook but I’ll do the sequel also. I can’t give out no more info than I already have.

  • Maria
    Posted on May 18, 2009

    Wow – 45 days eh and an ebook – interesting that you would wait until this long to write it – how could you contain yourself. I suppose 45 days is long enough to REALLY get to know a person (I saw your website – really you know everything?). This might be the best fan fiction I’ll ever read and if it’s not then it’s tragic that you feel you need to tell the world about a 45 day relationship. I suspect the notoriety is more important to you.

  • Athena
    Posted on May 18, 2009

    Even supposing that what “not true” (a self-explanatory name) says were actually true, I am sure Rob would be *delighted* to see his private business spread across the internet, yet again, for everyone to read. Not.

    Disgraceful is the first word (of many that decency forbids to write) that comes to my mind :(.

    Thank goodness, it’s most likely just an immature cheap-thrill seeker with a lot of time to waste.

    Moving on.

  • not true
    Posted on May 18, 2009

    I’m sorry but I don’t want to attract more fans to your site but I’ve been offered a sum of money to write the truth. Him and I know the truth. I didn’t really found out whom he was before we met. I had no idea and cheap I’m not. You are not hurting me by insults. I have 8 witnesses and I haven’t moved from the place we shared.

  • Maria
    Posted on May 18, 2009

    That’s great – I’m glad you both know the truth and that you had a relationship with him – really. But this post is about sharing an interview of Rob’s with his fans – not about your self promotion. And how am I insulting you when you have just confirmed that you are only telling us this story because you have been paid money to do it? So really I was just stating fact. And just so you know – we don’t need you to attract people to this site -in fact I think your blatant self promotion will turn them away. We are not a gossip mag – so any future responses from you will not be posted.

  • Mils
    Posted on May 18, 2009

    Wow not true.. you got paid? I bet he will look back on his time and think how well it was spent .. NOT
    I think its funny that people like you need to feed of other people to get anywhere in life.. what a stand out human being.

  • vertigo
    Posted on May 18, 2009

    Thanks so much for this weeks choice Maria, it’s a beauty. I’m still amazed how adorably vulnerable he appears to be at these times.

    p.s. I was going to announce my “tell all” book, but it seems someone beat me me to it. Titled “55 days of daydreaming” , stay tuned. First I will place a whole lot of money making adds on my site …
    [please don’t follow me on twitter anyone, yes twas a dig]

  • Helen
    Posted on May 19, 2009

    some seriously off-balance people out there…

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