Thanks to our partner, Spunk-Ransom, who worked for hours to get this up on Daily Motion – we now have a preview of the ‘Little Ashes’ Soundtrack. The soundtrack preview came from SIN LIMITES, the Official ‘Little Ashes’ movie page. You should go and check this website. It looks amazing! There’s one problem though, it is entirely in Spanish and I have no clue how to get around. I was completely lost.
This will sound really cheesy but when I first listened to it, I almost cried (esp on the ‘Bicycle in Cadaques part’). It’s very beautiful, but the best part about it is how it literally brings you back to the movie. I’m so jealous of everyone in the States, who will get to watch this movie very soon, on the 8th of May. As for us Australians, we might only see this movie on DVD in September – unless we do something drastic to change this.
Thank you so much for posting this Cilla & to Spunk Ransom for uploading.
The soundtrack sounds so beautiful. I really love the Bicycle in Cadaques part’ as well. I have visited the Spanish LA site & it looks so great. I really want to learn Spanish now so I can enjoy it properly lol
I cannot wait to see this movie & am so jealous of everyone in the States too.