March 27th, 2013 / 7 Comments


Probably not seeing as it’s being held between 5 and 16 June 2013, but I did find an interesting interview with Liz Watts which was included as part of the  Sydney Film Festival’s free online publication launched to celebrate its 60th anniversary.  I’ve extracted the relevant part from  “Interview with Filmmakers” here:

“Producers and distributors will only accept an invitation to screen their film at a festival if it will help with a film’s release into cinemas or with its commercial prospects. A range of factors is considered, including whether the timing of the festival fits with the best time of year to release the film. There were discussions about Animal Kingdom being shown at the SFF but the festival was deemed too late to take full advantage of the buzz that flowed from Sundance, one of the first major festivals in the annual worldwide calendar. In the end, however, the film was released into Australian cinemas while SFF was on.

“It was a bit of an experiment, but it seemed to work,” says Watts. Only time will tell whether director David Michôd’s follow-up film, The Rover, will be shown at SFF. When Watts was interviewed for this article she was about to head off to remote South Australia for filming, which was to run through until late March 2013. Twilightstar Robert Pattinson and the homegrown Guy Pearce star as a damaged man in ruthless pursuit of the people who stole his car and the younger brother of one of the thieves.

Screening in a festival might not suit some films; or it can send a message to filmgoers that a film is not of broad appeal – but Watts thinks this applies more to international than to local titles when it comes to Australia’s key fests. In other words, the strong level of interest in Aussie films generally cancels out such concerns.”  [My emphasis]

Read Liz’s full interview here.

I know this is wishful thinking, since the deadline is pretty damn tight, but I’ve wondered whether David Michod would unleash it there.  I hope they aren’t talking about 2014!

  • Sare
    Posted on March 27, 2013

    Oh that would be incredible! But yeah June this year is pushing it and I would think it would well and truly be released by next years festival. *sigh*
    Loving all the buzz behind this movie though. Again, can’t wait to see it!

  • Sue
    Posted on March 27, 2013

    Wow, I seem to get excited very easily these days ~ just a sniff of possible good news puts me over the edge LOL.

    Thanks @Maria. I’m going to ignore that final sentence you threw in *frown*, and keep the wide grin on my face, just thinking about The Rover being at the SFF this coming June.

  • Roberta
    Posted on March 27, 2013

    Fingers crossed Maria! Thx!

  • Maria
    Posted on March 27, 2013

    I still hope it will be TIFF in September. Animal Kingdom finished filming in April 2009 was complete by October 2009 and screened at Sundance in January 2010 – if that gives an indication of timing.

  • Silvie
    Posted on March 27, 2013

    I was desperately hoping to see The Rover this year, on the other hand if waiting until next year would be more successful for the movie/Rob/Guy then I’m ok with it (actually not really ok with it) but whatever will be best for its success. Secretely hoping it will be this year!!

  • Carmel
    Posted on March 27, 2013

    Wow Maria – Your post had my emotions going all over the place like a good novel. And you left us on a cliff hanger too. I know this is one saga I wont get tired of by the end.

  • Jules
    Posted on March 28, 2013

    Thanks so much Maria, really interesting read….keeping everything tightly crossed here that’s for sure. I wondered if the film wasn’t ready if perhaps they would unleash the trailer. Just me putting everything out there in the hopes something wonderful happens at Sydney FF re The Rover 🙂

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