January 17th, 2013 / 10 Comments

A few more Eric caps thanks to Roberta. I think I need to watch him again – very soon.

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  • Maria
    Posted on January 17, 2013


  • Ephie
    Posted on January 17, 2013

    So beautiful all of them. Thank u ladies!! xx I also need to c Eric again soon. Definitely.
    Aaaand…have u girls seen the pics?? He is on aus soil!! He has landed looking breathtaking as always even after such a long flight. Squee

  • Maria
    Posted on January 17, 2013

    @Ephie – yes we know Rob’s here 🙂 I thought of you as he transited through Melbourne.

  • Ephie
    Posted on January 17, 2013

    Thanks @maria, yeah I wanted to scream it out from the rooftops HE IS HERE – HE IS HERE. He couldn’t have picked a hotter day…43C today a real scorcher. I hope he will have a great experience and that he will take fond memories away with him from our shores. Please fans be considerate and kind to this beautiful man and respect him!!

  • Maria
    Posted on January 17, 2013

    LOL @Ephie lucky he didn’t have to leave airport 🙂

    Yeah but I see the media in Adelaide have already declared hunting season – it’s disgusting.

  • Sue
    Posted on January 17, 2013

    Love these – thanks Roberta & Michelle.

    Oh dear, hunting season, Maria? Shit, that doesn’t sound like the welcome we wanted to give Rob. Not sure I want to know…….

  • ephie
    Posted on January 18, 2013

    OMG! Hunting season??? disgusting concept treating another human being like an animal to be hunted. I agree Sue that is really not what I was hoping for either.

  • Roberta
    Posted on January 18, 2013

    I agree Maria! i finally got up from my bed – I’m sick! – and I watche the video… the paps just cannot leave him alone!!!! Glad you’re all anjoying Eric though….

  • Trish
    Posted on January 18, 2013

    All beautiful, some spectacularly so – thank you, Roberta. What an epic you’ve delivered for us – how many screen caps so far? 300? 400? OMG – must have taken you days, girl! I’m loving every single one of them!
    Ditto what Ephie said – if you really love him, back off and let the man work, for heaven’s sake. And as for the press, you’ll have us to answer to if you make one wrong move! Be warned!

  • Carmel
    Posted on January 18, 2013

    I have a date with Eric tonight for sure!

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