February 6th, 2011 / 22 Comments

Ooh today is just one of those days that just keeps on giving … I know we’ve seen this one before, but this is a slightly larger version.

Thanks to our affies LeRPattzClub for this beauty.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on February 06, 2011

    GAH!!!!!!!! Today is too much!

  • Michelle
    Posted on February 06, 2011

    I LOVE days like these – the gorgeousness never ends 😀 I love this pic & so good to see it in a larger size.

  • LTavares2011
    Posted on February 06, 2011

    Oh Rob/Georges when I am finally gonna see you? Cannes, maybe! I miss you so much. I just can not wait to see this film.
    Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful picture.

  • Carmel
    Posted on February 06, 2011

    Big is good 🙂

  • Cindy
    Posted on February 06, 2011

    Oh you just had to break out the “RMB” Oh dear god….help…gulp!

  • Martha M
    Posted on February 06, 2011

    It sure has been a great day today. So many wonderful surprises. Thank you girls for spoiling us so much. We all really appreciate it.

  • Vertigo
    Posted on February 06, 2011

    I really am enjoying that zoom in on the glove. I too am loving today. 🙂

  • lids
    Posted on February 06, 2011

    Great book, and its going to be a great movie. Especially because Rob is playing the “RMB” as @Cindy said.
    Jog my memory, girls, do we have release day for Oz?
    Is it just me or it doesn’t seem a lot is said about BA compared to W4E, even though big names are in it?

  • Maria
    Posted on February 06, 2011

    @lids no definitely release date yet for Oz, but Hopscotch have confirmed it’s on their releases for this year.

  • Maria
    Posted on February 06, 2011

    Oh sorry and as for WFE being mentioned more – it’s a Hollywood film – need I say any more. BA is UK.

  • lids
    Posted on February 06, 2011

    Ahhhhhh @Maria, that says it all, thanks 🙂

  • Vicky
    Posted on February 06, 2011

    I cannot wait for this movie!!!! RMB indeed, Cindy. See you in the naughty corner!!

    OT after all the discussions about The Fighter, i went today with a Christian Bale loving friend (now I know what I look like watching Rob), absolutely brilliant movie. Thanks Maria and Martha for the recommendation.

  • Maria
    Posted on February 06, 2011

    I think I should have copyrighted “ruthless manwhoring bastard”.

  • Vertigo
    Posted on February 06, 2011

    @Maria – You should never have used it in the first place, it makes me insane at the thought. lol

    Are we there yet?

  • Michelle
    Posted on February 06, 2011

    I agree Maria re: copyright – absolutely. Rob as Georges *sigh* I CANNOT wait til we have a date to count down to!!!!

  • mema
    Posted on February 06, 2011

    bigger is better

  • Martha M
    Posted on February 06, 2011

    @Vicky wasn’t that an excellent film? I saw it thanks to Maria’s review, and I’m so glad I did. I loved it, and I think Bale did and amazing job as Dicky. He was brilliant. Glad you enjoyed it as much as we did.

  • Vicky
    Posted on February 06, 2011

    It was Martha and Bale definitely deserves all the recognition he’s getting now.

  • Carmel
    Posted on February 06, 2011

    @ Vertigo – I’m with you, “ruthless manwhoring bastard” makes me quiver inside with deliciously evil thoughts.
    Sorry Maria – you have released my monster with that phrase and it will not be tamed.

  • Cindy
    Posted on February 06, 2011

    @Vertigo Thats why I use the abbreviation RMB cause I can barely stand to hear the words!! Pmsl!! Cannot begin to imagine what a mess I will be when I actually watch the movie!! I may have to be medicated! 🙂

  • Maria
    Posted on February 06, 2011

    Oh pleasure @Vicky – Bale was just wonderful. I have another friend seeing it today – I’m looking forward to see what he thinks.

  • Martha M
    Posted on February 06, 2011

    @Maria I’m sure he’ll enjoy it as much we did. Thanks again for recommending it. It truly is an excellent film.

  • Leave a Reply

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