December 16th, 2010 / 16 Comments

I have watched the beautiful Water For Elephants trailer more times than I can ever begin to count & Rob & it still take my breath away each & every single time.  No words to describe how amazing this film is going to be – NONE.  Here are a few .gifs of Rob as the beautiful Jacob Jankowski.  I am so completely in love with you already – as of course I knew I would be *floats on air*


  • Renee
    Posted on December 16, 2010

    Stunning stunning stunning!!!!

  • Cindy
    Posted on December 16, 2010

    These are brilliant! thanks Michelle! ox. And I am so glad you didnt have to work today 🙂

  • Michelle
    Posted on December 16, 2010

    Me too Cindy, me too 😀

  • Maria
    Posted on December 16, 2010

    Rob is amazing, but we already knew that. Is it home time yet?

  • M.S.
    Posted on December 16, 2010

    They all sm00shed! But they are awesome none the less lol

  • Michelle
    Posted on December 16, 2010

    Smooshed? I don’t understand what you mean M.S.

  • ephie
    Posted on December 16, 2010

    I want to keep watching again and again and again and….well you get the drift…but work keeps getting in the way.
    Why do I need to work again? Ah yes for the essentials such as being able to afford Rob’s DVDs and going to the movies to see Rob and for the non-essentials such as food, car etc.
    THIS IS SOOOOO GOOD!!!!! ROB AND TAI/ROSIE HAS FINISHED ME OFF!!! The look of joy and wonder on his face when he is looking at ther is just…there are no words.
    It looks EPIC and beautifully filmed.
    Thanks a million for these gifs @michelle!!!

  • Michelle
    Posted on December 16, 2010

    I ADORE the way Jacob looks at Rosie – one of my most fave parts. Everything about the film is so so beautiful. Just imagine when we can see the entire film. Excited won’t even come close!!! LOL ephie, I so wish I could retire & spend all day focusing on the important things like I’ve been able to today. Just four more days of work then three weeks holiday – woo hoo!!

  • lids
    Posted on December 16, 2010

    Oh guys, you’re SOOOOOOOO teasing me, I still haven’t seen the trailer….”DAMN YOU, WORK”
    Can’t wait to get home…

  • ephie
    Posted on December 16, 2010

    Aren’t you lucky Michelle? 3 weeks off to concentrate on the important things in life hehe…
    Yes the interaction btw Rob and the elephant will be awesome. And the “feeling” of the film is just beautiful thanks to Mr Lawrence. I love the pic of Jacob and Marlena sitting down next to Rosie on the ground in the dark…so sweet…

  • Michelle
    Posted on December 16, 2010

    You are in for such a treat Lids 😀

  • Vicky
    Posted on December 16, 2010

    Still crying and speechless. He is breathtaking!!!!

  • Martha M
    Posted on December 16, 2010

    Amazing, @Michelle wow! You do mean business, no time wasted and I thank you so very much. You gals are beyond amazing, these just take my breath away. Perfect!

  • Carmel
    Posted on December 16, 2010

    I bow at your feet, Michelle.
    Rob is giving Jacob such raw and gentle emotion it goes straight to my heart.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on December 16, 2010

    I love these all so much I can’t even pick a fave! It is impossible he is so beautiful and amazing and talented and adorable and sweet and………you get the picture!

  • Roberta
    Posted on December 17, 2010

    Thank you Michelle! This is such a tresured treat!

  • Leave a Reply

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    Director: Christopher Nolan
    Release Date: 26 August 2020. For DVD release dates head to our dedicated film page by clicking "News" below.

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    Director: Robert Eggers
    Release Date: Screened at TIFF Sept 2019 | US 18 Oct 2019 - DVD releases at Film Page - click News below

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