November 1st, 2010 / 13 Comments

I’m going to admit this to you guys, how I love the entire HP series (yes, I’m even going to the midnight screening this month) and GOF is like a jewel among them. I know I’ve said it before, but it’s true. As much as I love Rob doing the less commercial, more gritty and complex characters, I’m very proud of Rob for having been a part of such a classy franchise. His role may have been too short lived … but oh how sweet it was. And can I just say that HP casting don’t make their choices in Actors lightly. They know their stuff and Rob showed the chops to pull off someone as important as Cedric. Now that’s magic.
I’ve chosen this piece today for obvious reasons – the moment of truth when Dumbledore announces the winner and we see Ceddie all lit up with joy.
*whispers* Umm and how often do we get a chance to adore Rob wet and in shorts? He really does win at everything, Enjoy!

Thanks again Maria for putting this footage together for us.

  • Michelle
    Posted on November 01, 2010

    Agree with everything you have said Vertigo. The HP casting people clearly know REAL talent when they see it. I love that Rob was a part of this classy franchise that is HP. So so proud of him alongside all these iconic actors. Rob is so wonderful as Cedric, I cannot put into words how much I love him. Thank you so much for sharing this scene Vertigo. Love it so much & LOVE Ceddie’s happy & excited face when he’s announced the winner – so adorable. *whispers back* – agree about the shorts!

    Ooohhhh midnight screening Vertigo – am jealous hehe.

  • Maria
    Posted on November 01, 2010

    What Rob in shorts – wet. Hahahaha – I was so so tempted just to put that on repeat like Giselher on the horse.

    I agree Vertigo – the HP franchise is pure class and Rob is so so proud that he was part of it and cast along side such greats. I might not like Voldemort, but I love Ralph Fiennes.

  • Cindy
    Posted on November 01, 2010

    Just Brilliant! Thanks Vertigo and agree girls HP pure class. JK Rowling could give Meyer a lesson or two in how to write a “whole series” of great stories.

  • Vertigo
    Posted on November 01, 2010

    So true Cindy – nobody does it like JK Rowling. I don’t recall faulting her with anything that came off those pages.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on November 01, 2010

    Aw bless you Cedric and your gorgeousness! I can’t comment on the wet shorts…feels dirty feels wrong, but I may have taken a peek longer than necessary *giggle*

    Will most likely miss the rest of your Ceddie week am heading interstate to visit my darling MIL and not sure I will have pc access. Tis going to be a long week without RPAU (hell it’s going to be long week fullstop!) but am looking forward to having lunch with lovely friends 😀

    Behave eveyone! I expect to see that naughty corner rammed full when I get back.

    Have an awesome RPAU birthday celebration on Thursday M&M’s and Miss Dizzy! My glass will be continuously full on Thursday for you x

  • Vertigo
    Posted on November 01, 2010

    Have a safe flight Lise_Lou!

  • Vicky
    Posted on November 02, 2010

    Wet and in shorts, just gorgeous!!! The talent in this whole series is astounding and for Rob to be in this company is only fitting. He is brilliant as Cedric!! Thanks Vertigo.

    Safe trip lise-lou, we’ll keep your seat warm in the naughty corner don’t you worry LOL!!

  • Alice87
    Posted on November 02, 2010

    Thanks Vertigo & Maria for this great Post!!!

    I grew up with the HP series!
    I absolutely loved the books and the movies are just amazing!!!

    What can I say, I´m just really, really proud and happy to see Rob as Cedric….

    @ Cindy
    Totally agree with you!

  • Martha M
    Posted on November 02, 2010

    Cindy I agree with you 100% Meyers should take a lesson or 2 from Rowlings. I went and bought 1-3 for now. I need to catch up with all your girls. I guess I was a late bloomer all around. And Cindy it’s beyond a spell he has cast on me. He’s robbed me of everthing. Yes I’m a Robaholic, and definitely need some Robhab! Ha ha ha. Vertigo great video as always.

  • Sare
    Posted on November 02, 2010

    Oh ceddie! Like most of you HP introduced me to the awesomness that is Rob so he’ll always be special to me. Can’t believe how young he looks in GOF. I know he was only 19 but oh my hasnt he grown into a strapping young man!
    Have to go back and look at previous posts because my net connection has serious PMS issues!
    Oh and you like my new avi???!

  • Maria
    Posted on November 02, 2010

    Oh Lise-Lou- thanks for taking one for the team and disappearing again because as usual new outtakes have surfaced!

  • Michelle
    Posted on November 02, 2010

    LOL that’s what I was just thinking Maria.

    Have a safe trip lise-lou – miss ya already!!

  • foobs
    Posted on November 02, 2010

    Vertigo, I’m with you. I have read all HP books and seen all the movies so far. I will definitely be going to see Deathly Hallows this month..maybe not the midnight session, but soon after!! I agree that Rob was such an important part of the series as Cedric Diggory. I think he overshadowed Daniel Radcliffe as Harry in GOF…maybe that’s why they killed him off!!! He was too damned good!!! 🙂

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