October 21st, 2010 / 19 Comments

I swear to god we’ll be dancing in the streets the day we hear the words “AND THE WINNER IS …… ROBERT PATTINSON!”  It will happen, it’s just a matter of when Rob’s next release makes the Oscar nomination timeline.  The champers is already on ice.

ITA with Maria’s mantra – “tell us something we don’t already know”.


Water for Elephants has yet to hit our screens, but already Academy Award buzz is surrounding the new flick, with smouldering star Robert Pattinson being tipped for an Oscar for his role.

[We’ve posted this little bit from Chris before, but I can’t hear/read it enough] … His co-star Christoph Waltz – who picked up a Best Supporting Role Oscar for his part in Inglourious Basterds earlier this year – has praised the star,tipping him to receive the prestigious Oscar prize next year. ‘It’s in my house,’ Christoph said when questioned on his gong, ‘but the way things are looking, I might have to hand it off to Rob next year!”

Sara Gruen on Rob: ‘I think Robert Pattinson is really going to shine in that role. He’s so dedicated,’ she said in an interview with The Dallas Morning News.  ‘This was a rough-and-tumble shoot, and when I was there on the set, he’d be lying in the dirt for 18 straight takes in a row, and he would nail every single one.

You can read the entire article at MarieClaire .  Thanks for the tip Lisa!

Ah yes, our last adventure at the Oscars … Only next time he will come and join us! hehehe

  • foobs
    Posted on October 21, 2010

    I will joining you in that dance in the street Vertigo, as well as screaming from the rooftops, etc.
    I think we will all shed tears of pride and joy!! 🙂

  • Michelle
    Posted on October 21, 2010

    OMG, the day we hear those amazing words *does happy dance* Dancing in the streets is for sure Vertigo & so so many tears of joy. That day is coming alright & I just absolutely cannot wait!!

    Thanks so much for posting Vertigo. Bring on W4E! Every time I think about the day we will see Rob as Jacob the excitement is just too much. Cannot wait.

    Oh & I just LOVE that you included that adorable video of Rob on the red carpet. Hehe it will be MAJOR party time!

    *waves to Lisa* 😀

  • Aeren
    Posted on October 21, 2010

    Bufff I cant wait for these words

  • me me me
    Posted on October 21, 2010

    eventually due to the enormous love his fans have for him, rob will rob an oscar, or two or three… but he already had won the oscar in our hearts.

  • Cindy
    Posted on October 21, 2010

    Oh yes Please!!! jumps up and down with excitement!! happy dancin in the street indeed @Foobs! I shall join you hon! When do they announce the nominations anyway?

  • Maria
    Posted on October 21, 2010

    Oh Michelle – Vertigo already let it slip that Rob’s talking to us in the vid remember – it’s when we were yelling “you wait Rob in a couple of years you will be up there with your acceptance speech” – he was so sweet and humble pretending that he didn’t understand us. I especially love those shy little looks he was giving us at the end *sigh*.

    Oh crap that was a dream wasn’t it.

  • Maria
    Posted on October 21, 2010

    Oh and I meant to say – I cannot wait for the critics to eat that humble pie – hmmm I hope they don’t choke on it 😀

  • Cindy
    Posted on October 21, 2010

    Soz Maria I hope they do choke on their pie “BIG TIME” losers!!

  • minette
    Posted on October 21, 2010

    I will love to hear that words….yes, dancing and screaming… and laughing in the critics faces!!!!!
    I put my money in W4E, and I’m sure ..I will win!!!!

    ITA with all of you, ladies…..

  • Jazz
    Posted on October 21, 2010

    There is no doubt he is going to get one. Whether it be for WFE (which I really hope and think it could be) or another movie he does in the future. The academy are going to give him the honor he deserves.

    In my opinion, he should have gotten an award for his role in Little Ashes.

    His moment has to come, and if it doesn’t, then the academy is just cruel!

  • Michelle
    Posted on October 21, 2010

    LOL Maria re: video. Ah if only, if only *sigh*

    All those morons are going to be eating HUGE slices of humble pie & I just CANNOT wait!!!

  • Sare
    Posted on October 21, 2010

    Party at my house when he gets nommed!!!

  • Vertigo
    Posted on October 21, 2010

    @Maria – it was a dream? noooooooooooo!!

    Too right Sare, I hope your street is wide enough.

  • Vicky
    Posted on October 21, 2010

    It’s only a matter of time and I cannot wait!!! Big time party, champers, tears the whole lot, i’m in!!

    Humble pie, hope they have plenty to go around for all those losers. I’ll even help bake it and feed it to them if I have to!!

  • lise-lou
    Posted on October 22, 2010

    Now THIS makes my heart sing 😀
    Chill that champagne Vertigo and start the invite list Sare, big things are on the way for this lovely man!

  • Martha M
    Posted on October 22, 2010

    I will be joining all of you in the street dance, also with tears of joy. In my heart he’s already a winner especially for “Little Ashes” my all time favorite, (if you guys haven’t guessed already). I love all his movies, but his performance in “Little Ashes” was extraordinarily amazing to me. That’s when I realized how amazingly talented he is, because all I could see was Dali not Robert. I was already facinated with Dali. So to see him play Dali was a dream to me. But of course he’s so much more beautiful then Dali. Dali would have wished he looked like Robert.

  • Carlisa
    Posted on October 22, 2010

    “I’d like to thank the academy, my parents Clare and Richard …..and all my loyal fans at RPAU for your constant love and support. Your well wishes, thoughts and comments, especially those ones that quite often send you to the naughty corner, keep me smiling and motivated to make these amazing movies….”

    Well, we can dream can’t we?1
    Can’t wait for the party!!

  • ephie
    Posted on October 22, 2010

    Humble Pie indeed Maria – definitely agree with you there. One day soon this gorgeous, talented man will win the golden statue and show them all that doubt his talent!!! And we will be shouting from the rooftops and saying “told you so” – can’t wait for that day to arrive. Can’t wait for WFE…

  • Carmel
    Posted on October 22, 2010

    LOL Carlisa. That is ‘ Maria’s Dream’ – The Director’s Cut.
    But seriously, there will be harps playing when Rob is recognized by The Acadamy. I know it will happen.

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