October 19th, 2010 / 22 Comments

I felt like seeing these pics of Rob from the Poseidon After Party and no they aren’t old/new (that phrase is starting to irk me), but they are from 2006.  Ah yes all is right with the world.  Oh and hotlinkers – you really are selfish bastards.  Doesn’t surprise me though – probably same people that stalk Rob 24/7 to get their own 15 secs of fame.






  • Michelle
    Posted on October 19, 2010

    I LOVE these gorgeous pics. So good to see them again this morning Maria – thanks for sharing.

    As for the hotlinkers – grrrrrr. I mean how hard is it to right click & save??? Seriously you all need to stop being so damn selfish & think about others for a change instead of just yourselves!!

  • Vicky
    Posted on October 19, 2010

    I have not seen these pics before and boy have I been missing out!!!! Just gorgeous. Thanks Maria.

    As for the hotlinkers, lowlife comes to mind!!

  • Brooke
    Posted on October 19, 2010

    excuse the ignorance, but what are “hotlinkers”?

  • Maria
    Posted on October 19, 2010

    Hi @Brooke – I didn’t know what it was either until I was involved with running a site. It’s an internet term. Hot-linking is when someone uses a link to an image that we have saved on our website instead of saving a copy of the image on their website/blog that the picture will be shown on. So instead of saving the picture or .gif and loading it on to their own website, “hotlinkers” uses our link to the picture which then uses our bandwidth rather than their own. We pay for our bandwidth and so in real terms these people are theives – no differernt than common criminals in my eyes. They think they are smart but they are just lazy dickheads. We’ve recently installed a plug in that tells us exactly which sites are hotlinking and what pics/.gifs they are hotlinking to – it’s quite interesting to see the reoffenders.

    Um if they think it’s irritating the crap out of me – it’s not really – because I too like to play games. Bring it on sistas bring it on.

  • Maria
    Posted on October 19, 2010

    @Vicky I love Rob’s look in these pics. Oh wait what am I saying I love Rob’s looks … period!

  • Martha M
    Posted on October 19, 2010

    Wow Maria you’re a tough cookie. Good for you. I’m sure all those hotlinkers will eventually pay, Yeah it would be nice if it was sooner than later. Just look at Robert’s beautiful face, take a deep breath, exhale and smile. Thank you for these gorgeous pictures. Well they’re always gorgeous. Like I’ve said before you guys are brilliant

  • Martha M
    Posted on October 19, 2010

    Sorry I don’t know why that showed up twice maybe I hit summit so fast ai did it twice. Sorry.

  • Martha M
    Posted on October 19, 2010

    I guess I was wrong.

  • Maria
    Posted on October 19, 2010

    No probs @Martha M – I’ve deleted one of the comments Yes I AM a tough cookie lol. And as I said on twitter this morning – this is how I am face to face too – ask anyone who knows me. I don’t need to hide behind the net – I am what I am 😀

  • Vertigo
    Posted on October 19, 2010

    Thanks Maria – love me some 2006 Rob on this drizzly day.

    Hotlinkers are those people that enter a room and ruin the party for everyone else. Right click and save – my 5 year old nephew can do it, so can you.

  • Maria
    Posted on October 19, 2010

    LMAO @Vertigo – exactly if a 5 year old can do it – I’m just perplexed at rightclick, copy + paste is the same as rightclick, copy + save. Oh wait perhaps they don’t want to clog up their computers with Rob pics and gifs – because really why would you want to do that? LOL.

    I will raise my hand and say I have over 15,000 pics saved on my laptop – um people if you aren’t dedicated to running sites/blogs then move along. Or here’s a clue buy an external hardrive. We don’t make money from this website and we certainly don’t ask for any contributions since it’s our choice to run it – just respect that – you know respect it’s what a lot of you preach on about for Rob (shame you can’t extend it past the bandwagons you jump on).

  • Martha M
    Posted on October 19, 2010

    Well Maria we have that in common. I also say it like it is. I always say “people either love me or they hate me” there’s no in between. I’m very blunt and honest. . My friends always accuse me of being mean, But what I tell them is “Why? because I’m saying what you’re thinking, then that would make us all mean.” And if you don’t want to know the truth then don’t ask. So Maria all the power to you.

  • Maria
    Posted on October 19, 2010

    IKR @Martha M – honesty means you are a bitch, but somehow hypocrisy means you are kind. Well I’m happy for people to either love me or hate me – no grey area involved. I don’t need the entire world to validate me – I can live with 10 true friends rather than 800 acquaintances – that’s what Facebook is for. LOL

  • Cindy
    Posted on October 19, 2010

    These are gorgous Thanks Maria. And hotlinkers DO NOT MESS WITH MARIA!!! And good for you girls @ Maria and Martha honesty is always the way to go, my brothers ex girl friend once told me Cindy you make a better friend then and enemy 🙂

  • Vertigo
    Posted on October 19, 2010

    and I’d just like to add – yes the M&M’s run this site out of their own pocket and even with people stealing bandwidth, they still refuse to succumb to plastering adds all over the pretty pages. I’d say that is a kindness, not bitchy at all. Perhaps this is stating the obvious, but I like to say it out loud.

  • Cos
    Posted on October 19, 2010

    Sorry to hear about all the hotlink trouble. It’s rude and lazy to pinch bandwidth.

    BTW, glad there are other folks here in the strong personality camp. 😉

    Oh, then there’s Rob! He looks a little stunned – must be all the gorgeous strong personality chicks in the forum, lol.

  • Maria
    Posted on October 19, 2010

    @Cos Rob is just stunned that people stoop so low and are selfish enough to hotlink. Yep am still on that soapbox. Oh wait – nope Rob shouldn’t be stunned I mean he’s the recipient of half the stupidity that some of his “supposed” fans do – yeah I went there.

  • Vicky
    Posted on October 19, 2010

    If being honest means you are a bitch then i’m more than happy to live with it!!! ITA about respect Maria, so many want to spout the word and demand it but not willing to give to others, hypocrits!!

  • Renee
    Posted on October 19, 2010

    Oh these pics are gorgeous! Just look at that JAW.
    RPAU is basically the only Rob fan website I go to, because you are exactly that, ROB. Nothing else. And you’s are not doing it for any profit but from your own time and MONEY and we all love you for that. Because, let’s face it, you’re the best site out there!
    Thank you guys for running this site and keeping it purely Rob and nothing else. You’s know exactly what we want 😉

  • Maria
    Posted on October 19, 2010

    Thanks @Renee and we love doing all this for all of you because we know how much you appreciate it. Rob should be celebrated and that’s all there is too it.

  • Martha M
    Posted on October 19, 2010

    I agree 100% with Renee. This is the best website out there. And I’ve been on others, but none compare to this one. I also love that it’s pure Robert and nothing else. Maria, Michelle, Vertigo from the bottom of my heart I thank you all for the amazing job you guys do, for all the time you dedicade to this site. I found my home here, and I’m sure I speak for all of us. How lucky are we.

  • Brooke
    Posted on October 20, 2010

    Thanks for clearing that up 🙂
    Those “Hotlinkers” suck balls.

    Also, thanks for all your hard work, as Im a regular too.

    And, Great pics, He looks slightly flushed in these, gorgeous.

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