October 17th, 2010 / 10 Comments

We are very excited to say that for our Golden Years series, this week we will be celebrating Rob as the absolutely adorable Art in How To Be.  You all know how much we ADORE Rob as Art & this film.  I am so excited about this week – yep seriously jump up & down excited lol. The long term followers of the site will be aware that we were part of the first & only Australian screening of the film back in March 2009 along with Cilla who is the previous owner of RPAU.  The night was absolutely amazing & such a great success.  Not only was it the first time that we saw Rob’s brilliant performance but it was also the first time myself, Maria & Vertigo all met face to face.  I treasure the memory of that night girls & being there with you both & seeing Rob as Art together for the first time is something I will never forget.   Made it all the more special.  I cannot wait until we can all be in the same room once again.  OK to kick things off for this brilliant week, Maria has put together an amazing video of some fave moments of Rob playing the guitar during the film.  I could seriously go on forever with my praise & love for Art but I will leave my commentary there – for now! Enjoy everyone, I will now hand over to Art.

  • Maria
    Posted on October 17, 2010

    Ah Michelle – Art has a very special place in our hearts. Who could forget that night. I still remember when Vertigo said “Um are you Maria – lol when I was handing out the tickets” and I looked up cautiously to see who was asking. It’s me Vertigo – she says.

    Hahaha – she must have heard me mouthing off possibly.

    Anyway that was an amazing night – 400+ Rob fans and I can still remember the screaming when we told them we had a signed poster from Rob to give away.

    A very memorable night indeed.

    Art – am going to love spending this week with you *sigh*

  • Michelle
    Posted on October 17, 2010

    LOL such awesome memories. The screams – ah yes & the looks that the attendees gave us each time we emerged from the room where we were screening the film. LOL I’m sure they thought Rob was going to be making a surprise appearance. We wish!!

  • Maria
    Posted on October 17, 2010

    Hahaha Michelle I know – yeah Rob’s turning up even though he’s filming New Moon. Oh God all I remember thinking is ‘how does he cope with listening to this screaming all the time it’s so unnerving” – he really is special.

  • Vicky
    Posted on October 17, 2010

    So excited to be spending the week with Art. I was just blown away the first time i saw this movie, Rob’s performance was just brilliant. You girls sound like you had a ball at that screening!! It would be nice to get together and put faces to the many names. Thanks Michelle cannot wait to see what the rest of the week brings!!

  • Cindy
    Posted on October 17, 2010

    I so loved this movie too girls, just brilliant 🙂 Rob can so do comedy! And what fun you girls would have had that night! Wished I could have been there too.

  • Jazz
    Posted on October 17, 2010

    Wow! That is so cool, how you first met face to face at a How to Be screening 🙂

    That would have been really special.

    Thanks for the video ladies; this is definatly going to be a good week!

  • Carlisa
    Posted on October 17, 2010

    What a nice way to meet! Don’t you meet up regularly? That fascinates me. I imagine you all sitting around your computers coming up with ideas to please your loyal followers every week!

  • Carmel
    Posted on October 18, 2010

    Art was the perfect way for all of you to meet. Rob has bought a whole community together but it also the work that lovely ladies like you continue to do that keeps that community thriving.
    I’ve be looking forward to How To Be week. Happy days.

  • minette
    Posted on October 18, 2010

    what a lucky girls you were!!! definitely ..He is doing so Fine!!!!!
    What a lovely Art gave us our Rob,,,,
    Thanks Michelle for share it…..

  • Vertigo
    Posted on October 19, 2010

    Aah good times … I will never ever forget the magical night that Rob/Art brought us together. 🙂
    There was a force bigger than I can explain that zoned me in on Maria first … and then I think I introduced myself to Michelle right. Just imagine my relief when I realised we weren’t all a bunch of psychos. lol

    @Carlisa – in order for us to meet in person as often as we’d like, Michelle would have to spend all her online at RPAU time travelling and that would be selfish of us not to share her with you all. Maria and I do have some adventures coming up this year, but we are really looking forward to the next thing that is big enough to get Michelle’s smile back to our loving arms.

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