October 8th, 2010 / 14 Comments

This scene was my absolute fave from the book, so powerful it actually put me out of action for quite a while. So you know the anticipation of seeing it on the big screen was overwhelming to say the least. I’d still love to see the original Slade version, maybe the gods will bring it by way of the special features in the dvd. I doubt it, but am forever hopeful. That aside, I still maintain that this was the best delivered performance in the entire movie and for Rob’s part and what little dialogue he was given, he made me believe. I also love that we see Rob’s cute cherub features that linger due to just coming back from filming Georges. *swoon*

  • Maria
    Posted on October 08, 2010

    Ah Vertigo – agree with everything you have said and since you were sitting next to me during a screening you know that this really is the only time I was completely focussed on the screen – you know Rob up close – doing his monologue. Gorgeous face, gorgeous voice – gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous. This too is my favourite scene from Eclipse. Well you know that since you read my initial review LOL.

  • Michelle
    Posted on October 08, 2010

    Completely agree with you 100% Vertigo. This was the best scene in Eclipse BY FAR. I was completely glued to the screen as Rob perfectly delivered his dialogue, hung off every word he said & believed every single word as I always do. So so brilliant, so so gorgeous. Thanks so much for sharing this scene Vertigo. I loved seeing it again & bring on FF Eddie. Oh & got my fingers crossed too re: original Slade version.

    LOL @ your review Maria!

  • Vicky
    Posted on October 08, 2010

    ITA with everything you ladies have already said. Rob in this scene was just amazing. So vulnerable, so believable and as always so gorgeous. I could not have looked away even if i’d wanted to!!! Thanks Vertigo for sharing

  • caro
    Posted on October 08, 2010

    This is by far some of the best acting Rob has ever done. he is so INSANELY GORGEOUS and perfect in the this scene, it makes me sick.

  • Jazz
    Posted on October 08, 2010

    OMG! I remember first reading this part in the book and thinking, I can not wait for Rob to act this out! Definately one of my favourite scenes in the saga!

  • Vicky
    Posted on October 08, 2010

    Another awesome job

  • Cindy
    Posted on October 08, 2010

    Oh yes have to agree 100% girls this was the only time my attention was really riveted to the screen. All I can say is BEl Ami and Water For Elephants please. 🙂

  • Cindy
    Posted on October 08, 2010

    Fab video to Miss V xoxo

  • ephie
    Posted on October 08, 2010

    Definitely, totally agree with all your previous comments here girls. That was an outstanding performance by Rob, but I never expected anything less. And as Caro said he is insanely beautiful in it too. I wish the scene could have been longer…he really delivered Edward as we imagined him from the book. I can’t wait for the DVD to come out so I can enjoy it again and again.

  • ephie
    Posted on October 08, 2010

    Oh and how could I not mention this??? I love love love the gif of Edward – he looks stunning thre too. Thanks for puting that up.

  • Michelle
    Posted on October 08, 2010

    Pleasure Ephie re: the gif. I’ll be posting some more soon 😀

  • lise-lou
    Posted on October 08, 2010

    He was so awesome in this scene blew me away! *jumps up* did someone say Georges???????

  • Vertigo
    Posted on October 08, 2010

    hehe LL – not long now!

  • Carmel
    Posted on October 08, 2010

    I remember reading this bit in Eclipse too. It had my heart racing and all of my RL stopped until I was able to re focus.. .. a few days later.
    The tent scene must have been the most eagerly awaited bit of footage to hit our screens in many years. Rob was magnificent.
    Thank you for bringing it to us Vertigo.

  • Leave a Reply

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    Release Date: 31 January 2025 (US). | Post-Production since 22 December 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

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    Director: Christopher Nolan
    Release Date: 26 August 2020. For DVD release dates head to our dedicated film page by clicking "News" below.

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